Bringing a Customer’s Pond to Life: A Wildlife Planting Journey

When this customer contacted us, they had a clear vision - a wildlife-friendly pond with a natural planting scheme, all ready for their National Garden Scheme opening in May. They provided detailed measurements, hand-drawn cross-sections and a preferred colour palette of white, blue and creamy yellows.

The pond itself measured 6m x 2.5m with a 750mm deep centre. It was already built and lined with black geotextile membrane, ready to be covered with 40mm–70mm cobbles for a natural look and wildlife shelter. Their design left the gazebo side open, with planting planned around the dry stone wall and decking.

We created a planting plan that would establish quickly, complement their design, and provide structure and colour in time for the NGS opening. We studied their photos and drawings, then put together a tailored plant list - focusing on non-invasive species that attract wildlife while delivering instant impact.

  • Cross section drawings of the pond

  • Pond built, final measurements being taken of marginal shelves.

  • Pond filled and ready for planting

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Marginal Shelf Planting

These plants soften the pond’s edges, provide shelter for amphibians, and attract pollinators with long-lasting blooms:

  • Brooklime (Veronica beccabunga) – 1ltr x 6
  • White Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris ‘Alba’) – 3ltr x 5
  • Louisiana Iris ‘Waihi Wedding’ (Iris louisiana ‘Waihi Wedding’) – 3ltr x 5
  • Golden Club (Orontium aquaticum) – 3ltr x 5
  • Pickerel Weed (Pontederia cordata) – 5ltr x 4
  • Cyperus Sedge (Carex pseudocyperus) – 3ltr x 5
  • Water Forget-Me-Not (Myosotis scorpioides) – 3ltr x 5
  • Miniature Bulrush (Typha minima) – 3ltr x 5
  • Arum Lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica ‘Crowborough’) – 3ltr x 5
  • Bog Arum (Calla Palustris) 3ltr x 4

Deep Water Plants

Chosen for their ability to shade the water, provide shelter for aquatic life, and enhance biodiversity.


Waterlilies provide shade, reduce algae growth, and offer resting spots for pond insects.


Oxygenating plants help maintain clear water, absorb excess nutrients, and provide hiding places for aquatic creatures.

  • Starwort (Callitriche stagnalis) – Bunched x 25
  • Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) – Loose x 25

This carefully curated plant selection ensures a healthy, balanced, and wildlife-rich pond, with a beautiful blend of structure, colour, and seasonal interest.

If you'd like to visit during the National Garden Scheme open day, please click here to arrange your visit. This ⅓-acre garden, developed over 45 years, features mature trees, shrubs, roses, a fern garden and of course a beautiful large wildlife pond. Group visits of six or more can be arranged from February to September.

  • Freshly planted - wildlife-friendly pond plants settling in

  • By June, plants are thriving and filling out beautifully.

  • Flowers bloom, pond maturing into a thriving wildlife haven.

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Top quality plants with a first class personal service, very knowledgeable with good friendly advice