Collection: Oxygenators

Essential for pond wildlife and creating a healthy ecosystem.  Oxygenating plants release oxygen into the water throughout the day through the process of photosynthesis.  Having good stocks of oxygenating plants will ensure your pond is healthy and will encourage wildlife.

Native oxygenators such as Hornwort are available most of the year with other varieties such as Willow Moss and Milfoil becoming available through the spring and summer.

Some of the oxygenators such as Water crowfoot and Water Violet will flower and send up small flowers above the surface, an added bonus!

Many pond invertebrates will live amongst the foliage of these plants, as well as, young Frogs and Toads

Our oxygenators come bunched, loose and potted.  The bunched and loose oxygenators will prefer some loose gravel or aquatic soil to root into when they sink in your pond.  The potted oxygenators need to be placed at the correct depth on a shelf, don’t forget if you choose the 9cm plants, they need repotting into Finofil Aquatic baskets.

Our bunched and loose packs are enough for 2.5sqm (surface area), if using potted then allow 5 x 1ltr per sqm.

For further information on planting your aquatic plants click here