      Deep Water Plants for Container Ponds 

      Below is a selection of deep water plants perfectly sized for a container pond.  These plants have slow to medium growth rates so will not overrun your pond in a season.  

      Deep water plants come potted and need to be placed in the deeper parts of your pond.  Their foliage will grow up and float on the surface, creating shade for wildlife and help keep your pond cool, they also provide resting places for amphibians and insects. 

      Water Hawthorn is best for autumn and spring interest.  Fringed Water Lily is best for summer interest.

      For a pond measuring up to 1 square metres we recommend 1 to 2 plants in 1ltr pots. 

      You may find it helpful to read our pages; Setting up a Container Pond,  Creating a Wildlife Pond and information about Frogs and Toads.

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